Mansion House brandy maker, Tilaknagar Industries, has launched Monarch Legacy Edition, its first foray into the luxury brandy segment. This exquisite blend marries French grape spirits, aged up to 8 years, with fine Indian grape spirits, both distilled using coal-fired copper pot stills, which are a hallmark of French Cognac craftsmanship.
Made in the Shrirampur distillery, near India’s wine capital of Nashik, Monarch Legacy Edition brandy draws a distinct depth of character imparted by Maharashtra’s warm climate that intensifies the extraction of nuanced flavours during the maturation of Indian grape spirits.
It retails for ?6,750 in Maharashtra for a 750-ml bottle, at 42.8% ABV. The bottle is shaped like a rounded decanter with an intricate pattern of radiating ridges that run out from the centre. Inspired by royal chalices, the symmetry of the ridges catches and refracts light, complementing the rich amber hues of the liquid inside.
Monarch Legacy Edition has rich grape and fruit aromas, hints of apple, nutmeg and subtle tobacco. Its gentle sweetness transitions into creamy oak and indulgent dried fruits. The finish has lingering notes of cinnamon, peach and clove, reminiscent of Cognac.