Not your typical drinks!

Kati Patang launches non-alcoholic craft

Kati Patang, a new Indian craft beer brand from Delhi-based Empyrean Beverages and brewed in Bhutan, has launched non-alcoholic craft seltzers for its Millennial and Gen Z-centric experiences.

It builds on the fact that theirs is Not a typical audience; some choose to Not be like the other; some choose to Not to party on a Friday; yet others choose to Not pour alcohol.

‘Not Gin & Tonic’ is a delicious blend of the aroma and sweetness of juniper, lingering freshness of lemon and basil, and hints of tonic bitterness.

‘Not Cosmopolitan’ is for those who savour the tartness of cranberry and pineapple, freshness of Triple Sec and the finish of sweet notes of orange.

‘Not Old Fashioned’ is a swig on warm oak notes of Bourbon whisky, complex whiffs of zero-alcohol aromatic bitters and the fine finish of vanilla and nutty flavours.