Yakima releases high-oil hop extract

Yakima releases high-oil hop extract

Yakima Chief Hops, a grower-owned global hop supplier, recently launched HyperBoost. Previously known as YCH 701 Trial, HyperBoost is designed to easily pour in the fermenter as a dry-hop addition, to amplify hop aroma and increasing final beer yield.

It can be used anywhere pellets are normally used, including cold-side applications. Most brewers are using HyperBoost in the fermenter as an active or post-fermentation dry hop addition, but it can also be used in the whirlpool.

Concentrated at 40%-70% oil through an inventive supercritical CO2 extraction technique, HyperBoost delivers a high concentration of survivable compounds in variety-specific aroma attributes. Currently, HyperBoost is ready to ship in 100 gm and 1 kg aluminum bottles in Citra, Simcoe and Mosaic.

For questions on utilization, storage, product specifications, or other inquiries, write to brewinghelp@yakimachief.com.